How a Communication Coach Can Help You Speak More Clearly at Work

how to improve clarity of speech at work

Do colleagues have difficulty understanding your speech? Learn more about how one client achieved success in just one month!

My client at Google was frustrated that his colleagues always asked him to repeat himself. He took a brief sabbatical to focus on professional development, including his communication skills. One month after starting our sessions together, he sent me this email:

“Hi, Laine,

Today is my first day back at work after starting our sessions together. Wow - I can't believe what a huge difference it has made!

By slowing down my speech I now have more time to formulate my ideas. Breathing deeply before I start speaking and after delivering main ideas has given people the chance to process what I'm saying and better understand me. I also am not gasping for air after a long sentence. Best of all - no one has asked me to repeat myself all day :)

Thank you so much for your patience and encouragement while you teach me all of these great techniques.”


Our care plan for this client included an emphasis on:

🎯 Calming his speaking anxiety
🎯 Reducing a rapid rate of speech
🎯 Improving his breath control and support for greater vocal projection

Before starting these sessions, he had no idea he was speaking too quickly and softly, which led to his colleagues having difficulty understanding his speech.

In just over one month, this client was able to implement the strategies we discussed in a natural, comfortable way.

A communication coach will help determine your strengths and areas of improvement and design a care plan that gets results quickly!

What communication skills are you hoping to improve this year?


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